In my prepping journey I have had some strange looks when I mention I am aiming for food storage for a year (I have a long way to go!) Some people have asked if I've switched faiths and become Mormon - ah no. I believe however they DO have the right idea when it comes to food storage and being prepared for emergencies - something that the Lord made very plain that I was supposed to do.
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Proverbs 22:3 New Living Translation
A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.
The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
It makes perfect sense to me that being prepared is a wise way to live. From the simple glitches in finances due to unforeseen circumstances to weather related storms and the further out-there scenarios that some call TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It. Anything that turns our worlds up-side-down is bound to be easier to handle if we have some preparations in place.
This is a FREE 509 page download - LDS Preparedness Manual
I've read many of these articles over the years on their respective websites and blogs and have a good sense that these are people who know what they are talking about. This is a very worthwhile download! As the author/compiler writes in the forward: this is NOT something to tuck away until something bad happens - this is how to get ready BEFORE something bad happens.
Here's a quick look at some of what this book contains:
Section 1: Emergency Preparedness. Why?
- Normalcy Bias, It’s All in your Head, by Survivalmom
- Understanding the Normalcy Bias Could Save Your Life, by Confab
- The Five Principles of Preparedness, Phil Burns
- Mental & Spiritual Preparations for Survival, by jc
- How Long until You Starve?, by Mr. Yankee
- General Preparedness Survey, by Christopher Parrett
- Five Levels of Preparedness, by Suburbanprep
Section 2: Getting Started
- LDS Church FAMILY HOME STORAGE KITS, by Christopher Parrett
- Food Storage, by Christopher Parrett
- BARE-MINIMUM Food Storage Requirements, by Christopher Parrett
- Our Food Supply is Fragile, by Christopher Parrett
- Do you Really have a Year’s Supply??, By Christopher Parrett
- Food Storage Tools & References
- Basic Food List, by Lynette B. Crockett
- Long Term Master Food List, by Christopher Parrett
- One Year Supply Guide, by Dealsonmeals
- Monthly Food Storage Purchasing Calendar, by Andrea Chapman
- 30 Day Emergency Food Supply, by by Robert Wayne Atkins
- Real-World One-Year Emergency Food Supply , by by Robert Wayne Atkins
- The Seven Major Mistakes in Food Storage, By Vickie Tate
- Common Storage Foods, By Alan T. Hagan
- Grains & Legumes
- Grains and Flours, By Alan T. Hagan
- Legume Varieties, By Alan T. Hagan
- Availability of Grains & Legumes, By Alan T. Hagan
- Moisture Content in Grains & Legumes, By Alan T. Hagan
- Grains Cooking Chart
- Basic Cooking Instructions for Grains & Legumes, by Zel Allen
- Sugar, Milk Fats & Oils
- Sugar, Honey and Sweeteners, By Alan T. Hagan
- Dairy Products, By Alan T. Hagan
- Canned Fluid Milks and Cremes, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, By Alan T. Hagan
- Infant Formula, By Alan T. Hagan
- Fats and Oils, By Alan T. Hagan
- Cooking Essentials
- Cooking Adjuncts, By Alan T. Hagan
- Processing & Preservation
- Storage Life of Dehydrated Food, By Al Durtschi
- Shelf Life Studies, by by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
- Pros & Cons of Freeze-Dried, Dehydrated, MRE, etc, by Skipper Clark
- MREs, Meal Ready to Eat, By Alan T. Hagan
- Sprouting
- Growing and Using Sprouts, by Al Durtschi
- Survival Seeds, by suburbanprep
- Seed List
- Storage
- Storage Containers, By Alan T. Hagan
- LDS Church Plastic Buckets for Longer-Term Food
- LDS Church Pouch Sealer Instructions
- Oxygen Absorbers, By Alan T. Hagan
- Moisture Control in Packing and Food Storage, By Alan T. Hagan
- Spoilage, By Alan T. Hagan
- Recommended Food Storage Times, By Alan T. Hagan
- Space Cramp, Where do I Put it all?? by Kim Hicken
Section 3: Every Needful Thing
- Get a Kit, Make a Plan, by Christopher Parrett
- Building the right Bug Out Kit for you, by Westfalia
- OK, But what do I prepare for?, by Capt. Dave
- Survival Priorities” The Rule of Three, by Thesurvivalmom
- 72 Hour Emergency Kit (Get Out Of Dodge / Bug Out Bag)
- A High Mobility 72 Hour Kit, by Ward Dorrity
- Tools for your Vehicle, by Ward Dorrity
- Get Out Of Dodge / Bug Out Bag checklist, by Chris Parrett
- The Supply Table: The Master Preparedness List, by Chris Parrett
- Evacuation
- The 3rd Wave, Evacuation From A Disaster Location, by ST
- Bug Out Trigger Criteria, by Mr. Jones
- Understanding Everyone In the City Will Be a Refugee Post SHTF, by Suburban
- Communication
- Communications Family Ready, by Amy Loveless
- Radio Spectrum, by Brian S
- LDS Emergency Communications, by Dennis Bartholomew
- General Radio Primer, by Bidah
- Basics of Radio Communication, by Brian S
- Sample Stake Communications Plan, by Brian S.
- Survival Communications Primer, by Vector Joe
- Sample Family Emergency Communications Plan, by Brian S.
- Financial
- Money, Edited by Christopher Parrett
- Setting up and Emergency Cash Stash, by RusherJim
- Debt and Preparedness, by iprepared
- Get out of debt while you can, by preppingtosurvive
- Medical
- Medical Kits for Self-Reliant Families, by Jackie Clay
- TEOTWAWKI Medical Kits, by Survival and Austere Medicine
- Seven Antibiotics to Stockpile and Why, by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD
- Using Expired Medications, by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD
- Defense
- Defense, Edited by Christopher Parrett
- Selecting a Preparedness Battery of Firearms, by Sergeant
- Heating, Cooking, Lighting
- Survival Fire Safety, by Mr. F
- Emergency Heating & Cooking, by Greg Pope
- Emergency Lighting, by Robert Roskind & Brandon Mansfield
- Emergency Electrical Lighting, by Robert Roskind & Brandon Mansfield
- A Short Course on Batteries, by Brandon Mansfield
- Off Grid Power, by Brian S
- Electric Generators, By Steve Dunlop
- Clothing
- Clothing, Edited by Chris Parrett
- Warm, Protected and Modest: What to Wear in Difficult Times, by Marilyn
- Winter Clothes For Preparedness Survival, preparedness1
- Clothing Checklist By Jessica
- Washing clothing after TEOTWAWKI, by Kylene
- Shelter
- Emergency Shelter, by Larry Bethers
- Sanitation
- Emergency Sanitation, by Greg Pope.
- Emergency Toilets & Garbage Disposal, by Alan T. Hagan
- Emergency Sanitation – The Scoop on Poop, by Kylene
- Controlling Odors, by Kylene
- TEOTWAWKI smells bad, get used to it !!, by Suburban Prep
- Testing your Preparedness
- 3 Minutes without Breathing, by Mayo Foundation
- 3 Hours without Shelter, by Jon Doran
- 3 Days without Water, Bill Straka
- Water, by Paxton Turner
- 3 Weeks without Food By Ron Shirtz
- Surviving in the City, Edited by Christopher Parrett
- Babies and Small Children
- Baby Gear for TEOTWAWKI, by
- Getting Children Involved in Preparing, by
- What Do You Tell the Children?, by
- Avoiding Fear, by
- Facts about Avian Influenza, US Government
- Preparing for a Pandemic Outbreak (SIRQ) Plan, by Madison Hospital
- Quarantine, Quarantine, Quarantine
- Medical Quarantine Protecting Your Family from Infection, by Dr. Cynthia Koelker
- Basic Pandemic Supply List
- Isolation Room Setup
- Terrorist Attack
- National Security Emergencies, by National Terror Alert
- What to do if Nuclear Disaster is Imminent, by Ki4U
- TEOTWAWKI, by “Survivinghealthy”
- The Precepts of My Preparedness Philosophy, by James Rawles
- On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs, by LTC Dave Frossman
- 100 Emergency Items: That Will Disappear First, by Tess Pennington
- Some Ground Truth-The “Us” & the “Them” in a Societal Collapse, by RJ
- Fears of a Prepper, by ST
- Unprepared: Welcome to the Promissed Land, by Rod E.
- I Am Your Worst Nightmare, by Dan at “”
- The Thin Blue Line, by Deputy W.
- The Overnighters: Coming to a Neighborhood Near You, by Frank C.
- Why Prepare, when I can take it from the Mormons?, by Rambuff
- Thoughts on Disaster Survival, post Katrina , By Anonymous
- A Look Back At Katrina… An Expereinced Prepper Tells All, by Raptor
- Lessons from Argentina’s economic collapse, By ferfal
- A First-Hand Account of Long-Term “SHTF” Survival in Bosnia, by Selco
- Society’s Five Stages of Economic Collapse, by “”
- EMP, Electromagnetic Pulse, by Tom S
- MZBs:Are you prepared?, by “”
I just wanted to take a moment and say THANK YOU for such a nice post about my book. I really appreciate your sharing it with your readers! If there is anything I can do to assist you or your readers with additional information please don't hesitate to ask.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anita, thank you for the ebook, I will be going it over more soon. I also downloaded the Tent City ebook
Hi Christopher! How nice of you to stop by - thanks for putting the book together because it really is very comprehensive! (and you're welcome!)
ReplyDeleteAnita, even though my Christian faith is very different than the LDS, I have downloaded the book. The content looks amazing! I find it interesting that the authors are not all LDS (I know that Survival Mom isn't). It was very generous of the editor to provide this material for free! This information is so important, so thank you for posting it.
ReplyDeleteI think you'll find it very worthwhile!!
DeleteAnita, I found you through the Homestead Revival Barn Hop and am glad that I did! I've bookmarked your lovely blog so that I can read here regularly. Thanks for all the information you share!
ReplyDeleteDonna in CO
Hi Donna - welcome to the blog :) OOOh a new reader - cool! :) hugs!
DeleteJust wondering if anyone knows how many MB or GB the download is? Thanks
ReplyDelete9.3MB - It doesn't have too many big pictures - it's mostly text.
ReplyDeleteI have had this ebook for a month now and it takes a lot of time to read it. It is a book that you want to stop and go over what you have in your house after a new chapter. This is an excellent book. With the power outages down in the states in the last month I would hope people had food storage for a month.
Religious or not this ebook is definitely worth having. I sat down with my best friends to talk about wanting to have a year's worth of food storage and they laughed at me. They actually said "Why do you think it's the end of the world?" My response was are you prepared for a flood, tornado, power outage or blizzard? Unfortunately they just kept laughing.
I think it is great to have a network of people out there that believe in preparedness. After the last 10 yrs of crazy weather, I don't want to be stuck asking other people to help me.
Hi Tara - yes - it certainly is something to digest! Lots of good ideas for simple things to do that can make life easier in troubled times.
DeleteThis blog is my way of telling my friends and family that prepping is a good idea. I figure my little push here and there is at least getting them thinking. Slow and steady wins the race :)
Just a passing comment for some of your readers.
ReplyDeleteThis e-book is BIG, as in 500+ pages of 8.5x11
In many cases it is MUCH easier to read in printed form.
I offer this book, printed with color plates at COST.
If anyone is interested in a hard edition you welcome to get one here.
Its also available on AMAZON, but they mark it up another 20% !!
Thanks Christopher! I have all the food storage pages printed out as working copies to improve my lists. It has been a great help to me!
DeleteI found you through my friend`s blog, and I can say with certainty that I will be returning to do more reading. I read several posts and they literally made me laugh out loud. They also made me feel better about how very little my fiancee and I know about country life (we are new to it, and haven`t dared tackle the daunting task of raising animals yet). We are floundering our way through our first year of home-grown veggies (and hopefully canning in the fall). We have purchased many great books on the subjects of growing your own food, canning, and raising animals, but apparently they`re more helpful if you read them...
ReplyDeleteDH and I had a great chuckle over your comment!!! hee hee! Those books will come in very handy. I've sat in the barn more than once with a book trying to figure out what to do next!!! Welcome to the blog!!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteits good to have a survival guide.stephanie curry